International Journal of Health Engineering and Technology (IJHET) <p><strong style="font-size: 18pt; font-weight: 800;">International Journal of Health, Engineering and Technology (IJHET)</strong> is to provide research media and an important reference for the progress and dissemination of research results that support high-level research in the field of Health, Engineering and technology . Original theoretical work and application-based studies, which contribute to a better understanding of all areas of Health, Engineering and Technology , the journal publishes articles six times a year in May, July, September, November, January and March. E-ISSN : <a href="">2829-8683</a> (Online)</p> en-US (Dr. Amin Harahap, M.Si) (Dr. Amin Harahap, M.Si) Sun, 16 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Predictors of Syphilis in the Population of Men Like Sex with Men (LSl) in 10 Regencies/Cities In Indonesia <p><em>Syphilis is a bacterial sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by Treponema pallidum. This disease results in significant morbidity and mortality. This study aims to analyze the predictors of syphilis incidence in the MSM population, namely age, education level, HIV status, use of condoms, consumption of drugs/injecting drugs, alcohol consumption, number of sex partners and STI examinations. The research design is cross sectional using secondary data from the 2015 IBBS. The analysis used is Cox regression which estimates the Prevalence Ratio value. The proportion of syphilis infection in the MSM group in 10 districts/cities in Indonesia is 15.7%. There was a significant relationship between HIV status (PR 2.05 (95% CI 1.58-2.66), Age (20-24 years old PR 2.45 (95% CI 1.07-5.64), 25-24 years old. 29 years PR 3.01 (95% CI 1.30-6.95), &gt; 30 years PR 2.42 (95% CI 1.04-5.65) versus 15-19 years), Alcohol (PR 1, 37 (95% CI 1.01-1.86), Education 1.45 (95% CI 1.02-2.06) with the incidence of syphilis infection in MSM while condom use, drugs, number of male sex partners and STI examinations were not statistically related with p value &gt; 0.05.</em></p> Marta Butar Butar, Mondastri Korib Sudaryo , Puspita Sari Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Health Engineering and Technology Mon, 29 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Antibacterial Test Of Avocado Leaf Ethanol Extract (Persea americana Mill) On Propionibacterium Acne <p><em>Avocado leaves are one plant that can be used as an antibacterial. The chemical content of flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins and saponins has the potential to inhibit bacterial growth. This research aims to determine the antibacterial activity of ethanol extract of avocado leaves against Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. This research uses laboratory experiments using samples of avocado leaf extract (Persea </em><em>americana</em><em> Mill). With concentrations of 20%, 40%, 60% and 80% using the diffusion method. The ability of avocado leaf extract to inhibit Staphylococcus aureus bacteria can be seen from the size of the inhibition zone, namely positive by looking at the area of the inhibition zone around the disc using a caliper. </em><em>This research shows that the diameter of the inhibition zone for Staphylococcus aureus at a concentration of 20% has an inhibition zone diameter of 8.71 mm, namely the medium category, a concentration of 40% has an inhibition zone diameter of 10.33 mm, namely the strong category, a concentration of 60% has an inhibition zone diameter. of 12,66 mm, namely the strong category, a concentration of 80% has an inhibitory zone diameter of 15,61 mm, namely the strong category. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the ethanol extract of avocado leaves has activity to inhibit propionibacterium acne bacteria.</em></p> Rosanto Tamba, Harsan Arifin Kasan, Ika Suryani Pangaribuan Copyright (c) 2024 Rosanto Tamba, Harsan Arifin Kasan, Ika Suryani Pangaribuan Tue, 30 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Relationship Between Parent Parenting And Development On Toddler (1-5 Years) In Lukhu Lase Village East Lahewa Sub-District In 2022 <p>The pattern of parenting in the first five years of a child's life is very influential on four developmental domains namely motor, cognitive, language, and social emotional of the child. These aspects are very influential on children's development and behavior in the future. Research purposes. To find out the relationship between parenting and development in toddlers (1-5 years). Research design. Using observational analytic methods with cross sectional design. Sample. A total of 62 respondents with accidental sampling technique. Instrument. The parenting questionnaire and the developmental screening questionnaire (KPSP) were used. Data analysis was done by univariate and bivariate analysis. Results. The majority of parents adopted democratic parenting as much as 23 (37.1%), the minority adopted authoritarian parenting as much as 19 (30.6%) and the majority of children under development doubted as many as 23 (37.1%), minority deviant developmental toddlers 17 (27.4%). Conclusion. There is a relationship between parenting style and development in toddlers (1-5 years) in Lukhu Lase Village, East Lahewa Sub-district, the value of p = 0.001 &lt;= 0.05. Suggestion. It is expected that parents provide the best care for their children because the first five years of age the child will determine its character going forward.</p> Dina Hura, Hetty Mulyani Lase , Purnamasari Nazara Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Health Engineering and Technology Sun, 28 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Stunting Cases In Muaro Jambi District 2019–2021: Spatial Autocorrelation <p><em>Stunting is a major threat to the quality of Indonesian society. Stunting or short stature is a condition in which children have less height compared to their age. The 2020 Asian Development Bank report, Indonesia is the second highest country in the Southeast Asia region with a stunting prevalence of 31.8%. Children with stunting conditions will be at risk of having a level of intelligence that is not optimal and becomes more susceptible to disease. The impact of stunting is not only experienced by children but can affect in the future to adulthood, this can result in decreased levels of productivity. This study aims to determine the spatial pattern of the distribution of stunting cases in the Muaro Jambi Regency in 2019 – 2021. </em><em>The research method uses an ecological study design with a spatial approach. The sample in this study used aggregate data of 22 working areas of the Community Health Centers in Muaro Jambi Regency. There is a trend of increasing stunting cases in Muaro Jambi Regency in 2019-2021 with a distribution pattern that is in the form of clusters or clusters and globally shows that there is a positive autocorrelation with the 2 working areas of the Puskesmas, which is calledhot spot area as well as being a priority in tackling stunting cases.</em></p> Sri Astuti Siregar, Muhammad Syukri, Asparian Asparian, Lia Nurdini Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Health Engineering and Technology Sun, 21 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Role Of Government In Improving Health Anak Dalam Tribe In Sarolangun District <p><em>The Suku Anak Dalam eradication program in Sarolangun Regency continues to be carried out in an effort to eradicate poverty. Various parties have collaborated but the results have not shown sufficient success in improving welfare and health. The research aims to determine the government's role in improving health programs for the Anak Dalam Tribe in Sarolangun Regency. Data collection techniques were carried out through in-depth interviews and document reviews. This research is qualitative research with a total of 15 research informants consisting of the health office, health center, and social service. The government has made efforts to improve the welfare of the Anak Dalam Tribe community, in the health sector it has carried out education, and mass treatment. The Child Tribe Financing Program is still an obstacle in its implementation. Support from cross-sectors has yet to show good and integrated results in supporting the welfare of the tribal children. The need for sustainable program collaboration in improving the welfare of the Suku Anak Dalam. Collaboration between the government, the business world, and non-governmental organizations has the potential to accelerate the increase in the welfare of the Anak Dalam tribe.</em></p> Usi Lanita, M. Ridwan, Yufi Afrilia Nadillah Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Health Engineering and Technology Fri, 26 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Application of Progressive Muscle Relaxation Therapy on Chronic Pain in the Elderly with Hypertension: A Case Study <p><em>Hypertension is a major health problem that is common in the elderly. The changes in the cardiovascular system due to increasing age are the cause of hypertension in the elderly which may cause many complications if not controlled properly. There are many kinds of treatment for hypertension; one of them is progressive muscle relaxation therapy. The purpose of this study was to treat chronic pain in elderly people with hypertension by applying progressive muscle relaxation therapy. This study used a descriptive method with a case study design of nursing care including assessment, diagnosis, intervention, implementation and evaluation. The respondent was an elderly with chronic hypertension pain and sleep pattern disturbance. The research showed that progressive muscle relaxation therapy has proven effective in reducing chronic hypertension pain in hypertensive client. Based on nursing actions carried out for 3 days, the application of progressive muscle relaxation therapy can be used as an adjunct to overcome chronic pain which is useful for reducing blood pressure in elderly people with hypertension. Meanwhile, sleep support by listening to music can be used as an intervention to elderly in order to divert pain and anxiety to feel comfort and relax</em></p> Parulian Dormaida Gultom, Grech Sinaga Copyright (c) 2024 Parulian Dormaida Gultom, Grech Sinaga Tue, 30 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Early Marriage Culture and the Occurrence of Stunting in Toddlers in the Coastal Area of Sumenep Regency in 2024 <p><em>Wedding early still become phenomenon general social​ occurs in various regions in Indonesia , including districts Sumenep . Practice This Can impact big on health Mother And children , especially in matter nutrition And growth child . Stunting, or condition Where tall body child more low from standard age they consequence lack nutrition chronic , is Wrong One problem health main thing that can be done arise from wedding early. Study This aim For analyze connection between culture wedding early And stunting incidents in toddlers in the area coast Regency Sumenep on 2024. Methodology </em><strong><em>:</em></strong><em> Study This use design studies cross-sectional with approach quantitative . Sample study consists from mothers who married below​ 18 years old And own toddler aged 0-5 years in the area coast Regency Sumenep . Data collection via questionnaire And measurement anthropometry toddler . Data analysis was carried out with use test chi-square For determine connection between variable wedding early And stunting incident . Results study show that there is significant relationship​ between wedding early And stunting incidents in toddler . Mother who married below​ 18 years old own risk more tall For own child with stunting conditions compared with mothers who married at a young age more ripe . Factors like level education mother , economic status family , and access to service health Also join in influence stunting incident . Culture wedding early in the area coast Regency Sumenep contribute to its height stunting incidents in toddler . Required comprehensive intervention​ involve education society , improvement access service health , and strengthening policy For postpone age wedding To use reduce prevalence of stunting. Effort collaborative between government , institutions self-subsistent society , and community local very important For overcome problem This in a way effective.</em></p> Yulia Wardita, Dian Permatasari , Cory Nelia Damayanti Copyright (c) 2024 Yulia Wardita, Dian Permatasari , Cory Nelia Damayanti Sun, 16 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Relationship Of Fast Food Consumption Habits And Stress With The Menstrual Cycle Of Adolecence Woman In Senior High School N. 1 Gunungsitoli <p><em>Adolescence is the transition from childhood to adulthood. This transition is referred to as the maturation phase characterized by certain hormonally influenced changes<strong>.</strong> To find out the relationship of fast food consumption habits and stress with the menstrual cycle of young women in senior high School N.1 Gunungsitoli. This research uses an analytical type of research with a cross-sectional design. There are 79 girls in class X and XI. Using pss-10 questionnaire, food frequency questioner (FFQ) and menstrual cycle questionnaire. Using univariate analysis and bivariate analysis. The majority of young women in N.1 Gunungsitoli senior high school often eat fast food (53,2%). The majority of young women in N.1 Gunungsitoli senior high School experience moderate stress. The menstrual cycle of young women in N.1 Gunungsitoli senior high School experiencing abnormal cycles (65,8%). There is a significant relationship between the consumption habits of fast food and the menstrual cycle with a p-value of 0,000 (p-value ≤ 0,05). There is a relationship between stress levels and the menstrual cycle with a p-value of 0,028 (p-value ≤ 0,05). There is a relationship of fast food consumption habits and stress to the menstrual cycle.</em></p> Jernihati Krisniat Harefa Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Health Engineering and Technology Fri, 26 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000