The Application Of The Laplace Transform In The Heat Equation


  • Ana Uzla BatuBara Nursing Study Program, STIKES Binalita Sudama Medan



Equation, Fourier Integral, Ordinary partial equation, Laplace Transform


The one dimensional of homogeneous heat equation is two ordinary partial differential equations which general form , so needs solution. The one dimensional of homogeneous heat equation the method is ever been solved by Fourier series and Fourier Integrals. The other method used to in solving one dimensional of homogeneous heat equation is Laplace Transform, which is used to transform into ordinary differential equation is one dimension  for initial conditions . Inverse general solution that satisfies boundary conditions  is found, for every t and initial conditions  that have been transform is . From the result, it an obtain temperature on the poin x in the solid at time t.


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How to Cite

Ana Uzla BatuBara. (2023). The Application Of The Laplace Transform In The Heat Equation. International Journal of Health Engineering and Technology (IJHET), 1(6).