Bandwidth Management and Web Filtering with Per Connection Queue (PCQ) Method using Microtik


  • Budi Purnomo Siahaan STMIK Kaputama Binjai, Indonesia
  • Akim M.H Pardede STMIK Kaputama Binjai, Indonesia
  • Siswan Syahputra STMIK Kaputama Binjai, Indonesia



MikroTik, Bandwidth Management, Per Connection Queue, Web Filtering


Communication is a very important activity. Communication is carried out with the aim of exchanging information between several individuals. Communication can be done in various ways. Those who wish to communicate with each other can meet in person or through intermediaries. There are several types of media that function as intermediaries of information. You can use several media such as print media, electronic media, and online media to get various information. Digital communication in the modern era is not far from the Internet because almost all digital communication tools use the Internet. Internet needs vary greatly from old to young, because Internet needs are different, connection management is needed (Management Bandwidth) so that client requests with high connections do not interfere with clients with relatively low connection requests. One of the tools commonly used for connection management is MikroTik with the Peer Connection Queue (PCQ) feature. The reason for choosing Mikrotik is because Mikrotik has complete features at an affordable price. The importance of connection management is to maximize the connection provided by the ISP so that clients can use the Internet without buffering.


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How to Cite

Budi Purnomo Siahaan, Akim M.H Pardede, & Siswan Syahputra. (2022). Bandwidth Management and Web Filtering with Per Connection Queue (PCQ) Method using Microtik. International Journal of Health Engineering and Technology (IJHET), 1(2).


